Village of Venedocia

Venedocia Lions Club January 9, 2014

The first meeting of the New Year was called to order by Mayor Larry Eutsler. His first order of business was to administer the oath of office to the following people: Gloria Leiter, Paul Price, Lee Lare, and Tom Emery. Also in attendance were council members Robert Louth and Christina Young. Notary Public, Cindy Davis, was also present.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The bills were presented as follows:

Jennifer Pugh $285.90 (#4880)

Treasurer State of OH $90.00 (#4881)

Jennifer Pugh $22.91 (#4882)

Scott R. Gordon $165.00 (#4883)

Maumee Watershed Con. $12.00 (#4884)

Regional Planning Comm. $43.40 (#4885)

Beverly Fuerst, Co. Treasurer $315.35 (#4886)

Jenny Pugh $18.40 (#4887)

BWC $119.79 (#4888)

Mill Pond Farms, Inc. $180.00 (#4889)

AEP $18.68 (voucher)

AEP $305.03 (voucher)

OPERS $78.00 (voucher)

AEP $315.49 (voucher)

Paul Price moved to pay all bills. Christina Young seconded the motion. Motion carried. Mayor Eutsler assigned the following people to be signers for the year: Councilman Emery, Price, and Young.

Paul Price moved to appoint Robert Louth as council president. Christina Young seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business

Mayor Eutlser reported that Mr. and Mrs. Martin plead guilty to violating the village junk ordinance. They have until January 28, 2014 to clean their property. The village will provide some assistance in this area. Ms. Susan Leindecker pled no contest to her violation. Her court date will be January 28, 2014.

New Business

The fiscal officer presented the 2014 appropriations for the village. After some discussion, Gloria Leiter moved to accept the appropriations. Tom Emery seconded the motion. A roll-call vote was taken with a unanimous ‘yes’ vote given. Motion passed.

Paul Price moved to secure Scott Gordon as the village’s solicitor. Gloria Leiter seconded the motion. Motion passed.

Gloria Leiter moved for adjournment.

Lee Lare seconded the motion.

Meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will by February 3, 2014.

___________________________ ___________________________

Jennifer J. Pugh, Fiscal Officer Larry W. Eutlser, Mayor