Village of Venedocia

Venedocia Lions Club February 3, 2013

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Larry Eutsler. The following council members were present: Lee Lare, Gloria Leiter, Chad Pugh, Christina Young, Paul Price, and Robert Louth.

The minutes from the previous meeting were read and approved.

The bills were presented as follows:

Regional Planning Commission $43.40 (#4787)

Beverly Fuerst, Co. Treasurer $299.93 (#4788)

Jennifer Pugh $285.72 (#4789)

DHI Media Group $12.25 (#4790)

AEP $304.17 (voucher)

AEP $18.39 (voucher)

OPERS $78.00 (voucher)

Paul Price moved to pay all bills. Robert Louth seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business

Council member, Gloria Leiter, reported that the new village radio is in. She will pick it up. She moved to pay the bill upon receipt. Christina Young seconded the motion. Motion carried.

The mayor noted that Eric Pfning of Lima has been contacted to assess the possibilities of posting speed limit signs in the village.

On March 5th from 6:30-8:30 Rick McCoy will be conducting CPR/AED training for interested residents. Those wishing to take the class should contact Gloria Leiter as space is limited.

The new siren has been placed, however is not functional yet. Insurance for this siren is being covered by the Van Wert County Commissioners.

New Business

Fiscal Officer, Jenny Pugh, stated that the audit was recently completed. An official report should be sent by the next council meeting.

Tom Evans of Mill Ponds Farms, Inc. is having shoulder problems. If the need for snow removal occurs, someone will need to fill in for the time being.

A benefit for village resident Tom Theobald will be held this Saturday, February 9th at the Jr. Fair Building in Van Wert from 9:00 a.m. to midnight.

Paul Price moved for adjournment.

Meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be March 4, 2013

______________________________ _____________________________

Jennifer J. Pugh, Fiscal Officer Larry W. Eutsler, Mayor