Village of Venedocia



Venedocia Lions Club                                                   January 8, 2007


Meeting was called to order by Mayor Doug Ruen with council members Lee Lare, Robert Louth, Paul Price, Gloria Leiter, Jeff Coil, and Charlie Good present.


The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.


The bills were presented as follows:

AEP (street lights)              $199.01            (#4174)

Treasurer State of OH            $240.00            (#4175)

AEP (town storage)                      $13.78            (#4176)

Lee Lare (gas reimburse.)            $153.70            (#4177)

Van Wert Co. Engineer            $28.84            (#4178)

AEP (street lights)              $200.19            (#4179)

Jenny Pugh-postage            $7.80              (#4180)

Van Wert Co. Treasurer            $406.91            (#4181)

Village of Middle Point            $1917.59            (#4182)

Maumee Watershed            $12.00            (#4183)

Jenny Pugh                            $220.85            (#4184)

OPERS                                  $58.38            (#4185)


Paul Price moved to pay all bills.  Lee Lare seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

Mayor Ruen appointed Gloria Leiter, Jeff Coil, and Lee Lare to sign checks for the year.


Old Business

Mayor Ruen would like to thank all individuals involved in providing Christmas decorations for the village this year. 


New Business

Mayor Ruen appointed the following people for each village department:

Streets:  Paul Price and Jeff Coil    

Safety:  Lee Lare and Gloria Leiter

Parks:  Bob Louth and Charlie Good


*Jeff Coil moved to appoint Robert Louth as council president. Paul Price seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

*Robert Louth moved to appoint Bob Young to serve as the village solicitor.  Lee Lare seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

*Gloria Leiter moved to employ Kim Coil as village custodian.  Lee Lare seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

*Gloria Leiter moved to employ Rod Eutsler as village greens keeper.  Lee Lare seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

*Gloria Leiter moved to retain Tom Evans for snow removal as needed, with Bob Pugh as back-up.  Lee Lare seconded the motion.  Motion carried. 

*Robert Louth moved to open a blanket certificate for AEP bills to be paid upon receipt.  Charlie Good seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  -Ordinance 07-02

*Gloria Leiter moved to accept the contract for fire protection from the Village of Middle Point for $1,917.59 for the next three years.  Paul Price seconded the motion.  Motion carried.

*Mayor Ruen stated that Rick McCoy installed new instruction cards in the AED.

*Clerk/treasurer, Jenny Pugh, shared the 2007 appropriations with council.  A roll-call vote was taken to accept the appropriations as prepared:

Lee Lare- yes            Robert Louth-yes                   Paul Price-yes            Gloria Leiter-yes

Jeff Coil-yes               Charlie Good-yes

*Councilman Price reported that a light was going out behind Mary Beerman’s residence.  Mayor Ruen will contact AEP about the problem.


Gloria Leiter moved to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be February 5, 2007

_______________________                             _________________________

Jennifer J. Pugh, clerk/treasurer                                   Doug Ruen, Mayor