Village of Venedocia


                        Venedocia Lions Club                                                   December 5, 2005


Mayor Ruen called the meeting to order with council members Lee Lare, Robert Louth, Jeff Davis, Charlie Good, and Paul Price present.  Councilman Good moved to excuse the absence of Gloria Leiter due to the recent death of her husband.  Robert Louth seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


The minutes of the previous meeting were read, corrected, and approved.

The bills were presented as follows:


Jeff Davis                                            $200.79            (#3993)

Charles Good                                      $428.36            (#3994)

Lee Lare                                              $205.97            (#3995)

Gloria Leiter                                         $271.63            (#3996)

Robert Louth                                       $438.48            (#3997)

Paul Price                                           $228.85            (#3998)

Jennifer Pugh                                      $223.10            (#3999)

Douglas Ruen                                     $923.50            (#4000)

Kim Coil                                              $219.70            (#4001)

Salem Presbyterian Church                        $400.00            (#4002)

Lee Lare (gas. reimbursement)          $80.86             (#4003)

Young, Taylor, & Yarger                      $210.00            (#4004)

AEP-town storage                                    $13.21             (#4005)

AEP-street lights                            $186.79            (#4006)

ODJFS                                                $50.00             (#4007)

Federal Taxes (4th Quarter)                $468.78            (#4008)

Ohio Income Tax (4th Quarter)            $25.06             (#4009)

School Tax (4th Quarter)                $14.20             (#4010)

PERS                                                  $210.59            (#4011)


Robert Louth moved to pay all bills.  Paul Price seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Old Business

The dashed lines previously painted on Main Street have now been corrected, and are double solid lines.


A group called American Legal Publishing Corporation has given Mayor Ruen a quote of $650 (to be raised to $850 next year) to codify the village ordinances.  This would include five copies of the completed ordinance book.  Paul Price made a motion to hire the company to codify the village ordinances.  Jeff Davis seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  Mayor Ruen will place a call to the company to proceed with the process.


Mayor Ruen reported that Vince Clement has decided to let his attorney instruct him on how to handle his sidewalk situation.


New Business

It was brought to the attention of council that the pump at the park is broken.  The rod is disconnected from the handle.  Robert Louth moved to either fix the problem, if possible, or get a new pump.  Lee Lare seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Jeff Davis moved to donate $25.00 to each of the two memorials that have been named for Mike Leiter, husband of Gloria Leiter.  Robert Louth seconded the motion. Motion carried, with Lee Lare abstaining from the vote.


Mayor Ruen stated that the basketball hoop at the park has been put up by Councilman Davis.  He also thanked Mr. Davis for his time of service on the council.


Mayor Ruen announced that beginning in January of 2006, an agenda for the following month’s meeting will be set no later than 1 week prior to the meeting.  Any village residents wishing to speak at a council meeting will need to contact Mayor Ruen and will be limited to a two-minute time frame.

Lee Lare moved to adjourn the meeting.  Meeting adjourned.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, January 2nd, with a time change to 2:00 p.m.

_______________________________                                  ___________________________

Jennifer J. Pugh, clerk/treasurer                                               Doug Ruen, Mayor