Venedocia Village Council



Venedocia Lion’s Club                                                                        July 7, 2003                                   


Meeting was called to order by Mayor Doug Ruen.


Roll call was taken with council members Jeff Davis, Lee Lare, Gloria Leiter, Vernon Hobbs, Paul Price and Robert Louth present.


The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.


The bills were presented as follows:

AEP-street lights                        $183.42            (#3656)

AEP-street lights                        $182.78            (#3657)

AEP-town storage building $13.17            (#3658)

Rod Eutlser-mowing            $525.82            (#3659)

Jeff Coil                                  $50.00            (#3660)

Treasurer State of Ohio            $13.17            (#3661)

OH Dept. Of Taxation            $4.10                        (#3662)

Ridge Township Quarry            $5.90                        (#3663)

Baxter’s Pavmnt. Marking            $200.00            (#3664)

Ruhe’s Asphalt Sealing            $1155.00            (#3665)

V.W. Co. Emer. Manag.            $75.00            (#3666)

ODJFS                                   $5.98                        (#3667)

PERS                                     $184.78            (#3668)

Jenny Pugh-salary                        $226.65            (#3669)


Lee Lare moved to pay all bills.  Gloria Leiter seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Old Business

Jeff Davis reported that Vantage Vocational agreed to build the grates for the village when school starts.  A sample grate that is in good condition and the materials will be needed for the job.


Jenny Pugh stated that Charlie Good had been sent a letter on June 6, 2003 pertaining to the fallen down building on his property.


New Business

A discussion was held about the two village signs that were recently posted and are misspelled.  Mayor Ruen will contact ODOT to correct this problem.


Lee Lare made a motion to not attend the formal hearing for the 2004 tax budget.  Vernon Hobbs seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Mayor Ruen presented the petition for re-election of officials.  Those members up for re-election are Robert Louth, Doug Ruen, Jenny Pugh and Vernon Hobbs.  Mayor Ruen will circulate the petition for signatures.


A discussion was held about raising the salary of the mayor and council members.  Mayor Ruen will call other villages to find out what other mayors and council members are being payed.


Jenny Pugh reported that the PERS account is in need of more funds.  She asked to appropriate another $750.00 to this account.  Paul Price made a motion to do so.  Vernon Hobbs seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Jenny Pugh read the 2004 tax budget.  Paul Price made a motion to accept the budget as prepared.  Vernon Hobbs seconded the motion.  Motion carried.


Vernon Hobbs moved to close the meeting.  Paul Price seconded the motion.  Meeting adjourned.                        _________________                                    _______________                       

                                 Jennifer J. Pugh-clerk                                    Doug Ruen-Mayor