Venedocia Village Council


Venedocia Lions Club March 3, 2003

Meeting was called to order by president of council, Robert Louth.

Roll call was taken with council members Jeff Davis, Vernon Hobbs, Lee Lare, Paul Price and Gloria Leiter present.

The minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

The bills were presented as follows:

AEP-street lights $187.64 (#3615)

Doug Ruen-flag pole reim. $270.95 (#3616)

Mill Pond Farms. Inc. $760.00 (#3617)

Jerry Koenig-zoning $70.00 (#3618)

ODJFS $7.50 (#3619)

AEP-town storage $13.17 (#3620)

Jenny Pugh-clerk salary $226.65 (#3621)

Lee Lare made a motion to pay all bills. Jeff Davis seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Old Business

Clerk/treasurer, Jenny Pugh, gave a summary of the initial audit report including the topics of purchase orders, reduced real estate tax for the Lions Club, Medicare, Social Security, and gas usage by the village. Jenny Pugh will look into possibly reducing the property tax on the Lions Club due to it being a nonprofit organization.

The clerk/treasurer stated that a letter had been sent to Martin Burchfield releasing him as the village solicitor. Also, a letter had been sent to Bob Young, retaining him as the new village solicitor.

Mayor Doug Ruen stated that the flag pole had been delivered. Paul Price moved to have Jeff Coil put up the flag pole. Vernon Hobbs seconded the motion. Motion carried.

New Business

Paul Price made a motion to continue to hold regular village council meetings the first Monday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Gloria Leiter seconded the motion. Motion carried. This information will be posted in the post office.

The clerk/treasurer reported that more monies needed to be appropriated to the PERS fund. She suggested an additional $500 be put into the fund. Vernon Hobbs moved to do so. Lee Lare seconded the motion. Motion carried.

Jenny Pugh asked if anyone knew of the documentation that stated the monies in the library fund had to be used to purchase books for the village. No one knew for sure where or if such documentation existed. Jenny Pugh will check past minutes. If nothing is found, it was recommended that the money be transferred to the general fund.

The following committees were formed by the mayor:

Streets- Jeff Davis and Lee Lare

Parks and Recreation- Gloria Leiter and Vernon Hobbs

Police and Safety- Paul Price and Robert Louth

Paul Price moved to adjourn the meeting. Vernon Hobbs seconded. Meeting adjourned.


Jennifer J. Pugh, clerk


Doug Ruen, Mayor